Upcoming and recent events
We have a comprehensive calendar of sailing events including:
- Dinghy & Yacht Racing
- JYS – Youth sailing
- Day trips
- Sundowners
- MAST – Members Adult Sail Training – Organised dinghy sailing which focuses on getting out on the water, having a good time and build confidence and experience in smaller boats.
- Social & buddy sailing
- Longer coastal and international sailing
Of course in addition to all of this on any given day you will find members at the club preparing or returing from sailing, maintaining their boats or just heading out onto the river to enjoy time time on the water.
Erith has RYA certified sailing and powerboat courses led by trained volunteers scheduled across the year.
Check our calendar for all our upcoming events
Social events
Staffed by club voluneteers our club bar is usually open Wednesday and Sunday afternoons as well as on a range of public holidays and festive events. Check the club calendar for details.
Open days
We conduct at least one Open Day per year. We organise sailing for anyone and everyone who wants to come down to the club and try sailing.
Club events
Getting the latest club news
Email News
Members are emailed each week with a summary of club news and upcoming events. Our newsletter also includes any relevant club notices such as new members, rule changes or important items for club members.
If you are a member and aren’t getting your weekly newsletter email secretary@erithyachtclub.org.uk.
WhatApp Group
Additional news and access to the Club Updates WhatsApp group is available to logged in members. Register or login now to access this information.
The club regularly posts photos and videos from activities at Erith Yacht Club on our Facebook page and we like people to know that this might happen.
We don’t like identify anyone in any photos or videos without checking with them first. If we have and you would prefer that we hadn’t please let us know and we will remove the reference.
We also encourage members and anyone who comes to the club to post on social media about their visit. When you do we’d would love you to let us know by checking in and tag Erith Yacht Club when you post on Facebook so we see them.
Remember to hit Follow on our Facebook page to get updates in future events. Please also tag #ActiveThames.
Twitter and other social updates
While the club doesn’t maintain an active presence on other social networks please do tag any of your posts related to the club with #EYC or #Erithyachtclub and help us support an #ActiveThames by using that tag to.
Private Events
The hosts a range of community and private events and club welcomes private individuals, businesses and community organisations to hire the amazing facilities at the club to hold their own private events.